Will Chinese venture capital investment in Europe total more than 1.2 billion Euros in 2022?

Started Jun 15, 2022 02:26PM UTC
Closed Jan 15, 2023 03:26PM UTC

China’s foreign direct investment has been steadily decreasing since 2016, after accounting for Covid. However, greenfield and venture capital investment have seen a significant increase in 2021. Since such transactions are often conducted on a small scale, investors can circumvent investment screening mechanisms that have been in place since 2020. Countries such as the United States or India, meanwhile, have restricted the inflow of venture capital investment from China.

Resolution Criteria:
This question will be resolved via the Rhodium Group's 2022 report on Chinese FDI. 

Further Reading: 
Possible Answer Correct? Final Crowd Forecast
Yes 17.25%
No 82.75%

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Number of Forecasts 11
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